Taking Care of Business With ever changing markets and trends in the cattle business, our years of experience within this industry will help us answer your questions and take care of all your cattle needs. Farm Consultations Because every farm is unique, we do on farm consultations to evaluate your situation and make recommendations to help improve your bottom line. Hauling Ready to Sell? Our trucks and drivers are available to help haul your cattle to market. Cattle Receiving We receive cattle from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. Monday for the next day sale. We also receive cattle Tuesday from 7:00 a.m. until the sale is over. Feed and Water All feeder calves checked in on Monday are fed hay and water at .60 per head. Can't Stay For The Sale? We will mail your check. Checks are mailed at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday.

Our Goal
We believe in the highest quality services for all of our customers, large and small. Our customers are our greatest asset, and we are dedicated to serving your needs. Of course, our main objective is to get you the best possible price for your cattle. No two animals are alike, therefore, the prices of individual cattle vary. Its our job to see that all cattle bring fair market value in the sale ring, and we are dedicated to that end.